Everything You Need to Know About Botox for TMJ

TMJ is a PITA – well, technically it’s a pain in the jaw, but you get our point. If you suffer from TMJ, Botox might be your new best friend. That’s right, Botox for TMJ is here to save the day!  While it might seem like an unconventional way to treat TMJ, because it’s usually used for cosmetic anti-aging purposes, Botox provides a great deal of relief for patients experiencing this painful jaw disorder. Read on to learn more about how Botox for TMJ works along with the answers to popular questions like how long Botox for TMJ lasts, if Botox for TMJ will slim your face, and if insurance will cover Botox for TMJ.


What is TMJ?

TMJ is a joint disorder affecting the jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles. The temporomandibular joint (where the jawbone and skull meet) swells or is displaced due to strain on the joint – like clenching, grinding your teeth, or aggressive chewing – causing tension and pain. The most common symptoms of TMJ are limited ability to open or close the jaw, jaw pain, popping or clicking of the jaw when talking, migraines, earaches, neck pain, and swelling in the face. TMJ can be painful and make daily tasks like speaking and chewing difficult.


How Does Botox for TMJ Work?

TMJ treatment with Botox is a highly effective, safe, non-surgical procedure that takes about 30 minutes. Botox is injected into your forehead, temples, and jaw muscles to limit muscle function, reduce stress on the joints, reduce pain, and increase the mobility of the mouth. For those suffering from TMJ, treatment with Botox drastically improves their quality of life.


How Long Does Botox for TMJ Last?

This treatment lasts approximately 3-4 months, and you can receive more Botox when the previous injections wear off. To get the longest use out of your injections, refrain from touching or rubbing the injected areas for 24 hours after treatment.


What is the Cost of Botox for TMJ?

The cost of Botox for TMJ varies by patient but the general range for treatment is between $300-$600. Botox for TMJ treatment is not FDA-approved, but it is covered by some insurance plans. Make sure to check with your medical insurance provider instead of your dental insurance provider about coverage. If your insurance plan will cover a portion or all your Botox for TMJ treatment, make sure to ask if you need any pre-authorizations or approvals prior to your appointment to avoid any snags with your claim.


Are There Side Effects to Botox for TMJ?

Receiving Botox as a treatment for TMJ is safe but as with anything, there are some inherent risks. The most common side effects people experience include but are not limited to headaches, nausea, respiratory infection, temporary eyelid droop, fixed smile (lasting 6-8 weeks), swelling or soreness at the injection site, and bruising at the injection site. Cosmetically, you may notice your face looks slimmer post-treatment. Botox lessens the appearance of the muscles it’s injected into, so your face might look more chiseled and defined – in the best way possible! Please consult with your provider prior to treatment to discuss all potential side effects and make sure Botox is safe to treat your TMJ.


If you’re in the Los Angeles area and are interested in treating your TMJ with Botox, book your appointment at Youth Haus today!


Next: Botox for Migraines: Benefits, Costs, Side Effects and More

Karina Sulzer