What to Know About Lip Filler Migration and How to Avoid It

Getting lip filler injections for a fuller, puckered pout continues to be one of the most talked-about cosmetic trends, but what’s less talked about is one of its potential side effects – lip filler migration. Lip filler migration isn’t harmful, but it isn’t the result anyone wants when they undergo this noninvasive procedure. Fortunately, it isn’t permanent and there are measures you can take to avoid it in the first place. Read on to learn more about lip filler migration, how to prevent it, and how to fix it if you’ve experienced your lip filler migrating.

What is Lip Filler Migration?

Lip filler migration is when your dermal lip filler unintentionally spreads or migrates from the injection site to another area of the lips or face. If you’re wondering what migrated lip filler looks like or how to know if your lip filler has migrated, it probably has. Migrated lip filler is visibly noticeable and usually presents as lumps, but can also appear as a puffy upper lip, lack of a defined border between lip edge and above and/or below the lip border – think duck lips.

If you’re prone to lip filler migration, you may be wondering why it keeps happening. The biggest cause of lip filler migration is that it wasn’t administered properly. Incorrect placement is a common cause of migrated lip filler, followed by over injection. The lips can only accommodate so much filler in each area. When too much filler is injected into one area it’s too much for the lips to hold and it migrates. Lip filler migrating can also be caused by injections placed too close together. If they aren’t spaced properly, it can cause the skin to be filled too quickly, forcing it to migrate. There are also a small number of patients that can experience migrated lip filler due to an immune system response triggered by an illness or allergic reaction.

How Long Does Lip Filler Migration Last?

The good news is fillers are only semi-permeant. Depending on how recently the filler was injected, the migration will last approximately 6-18 months. During that time your body will naturally metabolize and break the filler down over time if left alone.

How to Prevent Lip Filler From Migrating

Lip filler doesn’t migrate easily but if you’re considering lip filler you might be thinking about how to prevent it from migrating. Choose an experienced, trusted, and credentialed provider to make sure you’re getting the best technique during the injection. Also, ask your provider to be conservative with their injections. You can always add more filler if you feel like you need it. Aftercare is important as well. Immediately after treatment, try to stay out of the sun, avoid saunas, and don’t take very hot showers. Do not touch or press your lips for 24 hours after injection and do not exercise intensely for at least 24 hours.

How to Fix Lip Filler Migration

If you’re experiencing visible effects, pain, significant swelling, blisters, or discoloration, see a trusted provider immediately. If you’re unhappy with the aesthetics of your lip filler migration, there’s no reason to worry. Do not – we repeat – do not get more lip filler injected at this point. The best thing to do is ask your provider to inject the lips and any areas of migration with a solution called hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase dissolves the filler over the course of a few days. If the first injection doesn’t break down all the filler, you can receive more to fully break it down. After the filler is fully dissolved, about two weeks later, if you’d like to start the lip filler process from scratch you can!

If you live In the Los Angeles area and are experiencing lip filler migration, the Youth Haus can help! Book a consultation or appointment with our certified estheticians today!

Next: What Is Lip Cleavage? Here’s What You Should Know About the Trending Lip Filler Technique

Karina Sulzer