This is How to Get Rid of a Double Chin

Having two of something is usually considered a good thing — unfortunately that’s not the case when it comes to chins. A double chin is primarily an aesthetic problem, with no medical danger directly associated with it. You can’t hide a double chin like other body parts that experience weight gain, so it can be a major source of insecurity and take a toll on your self-esteem. Thanks to science and the cosmetic Gods, if you have a double chin you don’t have to be stuck with it. Read on to learn more about what exactly a double chin is and how to safely get rid of it for good.


What is a Double Chin?

A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a condition that occurs when an excess layer of fatty tissue develops under your jaw, giving the appearance of two chins. Double chins are commonly associated with weight gain, but you don’t have to be overweight to develop one. Aging, genetics, posture, and facial structure are other common causes of a double chin. If you currently have one and aren’t happy with your reflection in the mirror you might be wondering, “How do you get rid of a double chin?” The answer is Kybella!


What Is Kybella?

Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable double chin treatment. Its main ingredient is synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule is naturally found in the body and helps breakdown and absorb dietary fat. Kybella works the same way. Once injected, Kybella melts the fat deposits under the chin and makes your double chin disappear. That’s not even the best part. Kybella destroys the fat cells, meaning they can’t store or accumulate fat in that area anymore — meaning the results are permeant. After you complete all your Kybella treatments, your double chin will be gone for good. Can’t ask for a better result than that!


Who Should Get Kybella?

If you’ve tried to get rid of your double chin with changes to your exercise and diet routines and haven’t seen improvement, Kybella is the double chin reducer you need. Anyone who is generally in good health and looking for a non-surgical way to erase their double chin is a good candidate for Kybella. The injections are safe and non-invasive, so they don’t carry any age or weight requirements.


What To Expect When Getting a Kybella Treatment

Each Kybella treatment is tailored to fit every patient and give them the results they desire. The actual injections only take 15-20 minutes, and the number of injections and number of treatment sessions vary. Your provider will consider factors like the size of your double chin and the desired result to determine your Kybella treatment plan. After injection, there’s no downtime necessary but you may experience swelling, bruising, or numbness under your chin. It’s also best to avoid alcohol and physical activity for 24 hours after your treatment.



If you’re in the Los Angeles area and are interested in a Kybella treatment, book an appointment at Youth Haus today! Say goodbye to your double trouble double chin forever.


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Karina Sulzer