This is Why You Should Try a Hangover IV After Your Next Night Out

We’ve all been there – on a night out with friends, a spicy date night, or a boozy brunch where we think, “One more drink can’t hurt, right?” Wrong – and the next morning a hangover wreaks havoc on our body to prove it. Hangovers are dreaded for their physical symptoms like headaches, dehydration, nausea, and dizziness, but when we have a hangover, we also lose time. The physical symptoms make it difficult and unappealing to get out of bed or be productive, so we cancel our plans and spend the day silently suffering.


The bad news is hangovers aren’t going anywhere. The good news is there’s something that can help get you back on your feet faster – a Hangover IV Drip. Youth Haus offers a Hangover IV that allows you to go about your day feeling better even if you overindulged the night before. It may sound too good to be true, but it’s not! Read on to learn more about what a Hangover IV Drip is, what’s in it, and how it quickly alleviates even the worst hangover symptoms.


What is a Hangover IV?

A hangover IV is a type of Vitamin IV therapy that rehydrates the body, replenishes lost vitamins and electrolytes, and flushes alcohol and other toxins out of your system to lessen the symptoms of an alcohol hangover. The Hangover IV delivers a custom blend of liquids, vitamins, and electrolytes directly into your bloodstream making it the most powerful and effective way to rehydrate and replenish your body. The IV therapy provides fast relief for your hangover symptoms and the treatment is also fast, taking about 30-60 minutes to complete while you sit back and relax.


Can an IV Help a Hangover?

The answer is a resounding yes! When you use a liquid IV for a hangover 100% of the fluids, vitamins, and nutrients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream as opposed to a 20-30% absorption rate through oral consumption like drinking water and taking vitamins. The fluids and nutrients begin combatting the hangover symptoms as soon as they enter the body. This makes the Hangover IV the fastest way to combat hangover symptoms. You won’t need to wait for relief when you use the Hangover IV.


Other Ways to Help Cure a Hangover

Though the Hangover IV Drip is the quickest and most effective way to cure your hangover, there are other ways to reduce your symptoms. Depending on your symptoms and the severity of your hangover you may want to try one, combine multiple, or use all the alternative methods listed below.


-       Drink plenty of water.

-       Replenish your electrolytes with sports drinks.

-       Sleep it off.

-       Take B vitamins or a zinc supplement.

-       Have a snack – especially something with carbohydrates since alcohol lowers blood sugar.

-       Drink caffeine. The stimulant will keep the grogginess at bay.

-       Take ibuprofen. This helps with the headaches or body aches stemming from your hangover. Stay away from acetaminophen-based pain relievers. They can mix with alcohol lingering in your body and can be toxic to the liver.



If you’re in the Los Angeles area and want to give a Hangover IV a try after your next night out, book an appointment at Youth Haus today!


Next: Is Vitamin IV Therapy Good for Your Skin?



Karina Sulzer