10 Things You Can Do to Help Reduce Aging

There is a plethora of benefits one might look for when on the hunt for a new skin care product or treatment, but there’s one benefit that reigns supreme no matter your age, skin type, or skin concerns: anti-aging. Let’s face it – who doesn’t want a more youthful appearance? This buzzworthy term is one of the most sought-after in the industry, which is why you’ll find it stamped just about everywhere. Read on to learn more about how you can help reduce aging, what exactly anti-aging is in terms of skin care, when you should start following an anti-aging routine, and more.

How Do You Know When Your Skin Starts Aging?

Unfortunately, there’s no way to stop the process of aging. As you get older, it’s usually most evident with the loss of fullness in the face and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. There are a variety of factors like genetics and lifestyle choices that contribute to when and how quickly the skin will age, but that also means there are ways to combat premature skin aging. Anti-aging is focused on preventing premature skin aging and slowing down the natural aging process.

When Should You Start Using Anti-Aging Skin Care Products?

Most experts recommend beginning an anti-aging skin care regimen far before the aging process begins to take place – in your early 20s and your early 30s being the absolute latest. As with most things in life, it’s easier to prevent the process than it is to reverse it. There are a variety of cosmetic procedures that will fend off the aging process and help maintain your youthful complexion as long as possible, including an effective morning and evening anti-aging skin care routine.

10 Ways to Help Reduce The Signs of Aging

Anti-aging is most used in reference to a topical treatment to prevent visible signs of aging or a cosmetic or medical-grade procedure. Sometimes it’s preventative and other times it combats and reduces already existing skin concerns that are common signs of again, including wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. We’ve put together a helpful list of 10 ways you can start an anti-aging regimen to maintain your youthful, radiant glow.  

  1. Get Regular Facials

    Getting regular facials means your skin will consistently be in the hands of a professional esthetician. Regularly receiving a deep cleanse, exfoliation, and getting rid of dirt, oil, and other impurities will help keep your pores clear and your complexion radiant. Youth Haus has a full menu of facials – with some that focus specifically on anti-aging benefits – depending on your specific skin needs. Even if you’re not focused on an anti-aging routine yet, facials are an amazing way to start rejuvenating your skin. 

  2. Try Microneedling

    Microneedling may sound scary, but this minimally invasive skin care treatment can restore vibrancy to premature aging skin and help prevent it. There are different microneedling treatments for you to tailor your treatment to your skin care needs, but in each of them hundreds of tiny needles created micro puncture wounds in your skin. Think of it as the ultimate exfoliation. This treatment stimulates the skin’s healing process and collagen production to give your face the plump look you’re proud of.  

  3. Take Your Vitamins

    Vitamins play a huge role in keeping your skin hydrated and nourished. Youth Haus offers Vitamin IV Therapy and Vitamin Boosters to make sure your skin is getting the proper nutrients to fight off free radicals, increase your antioxidants, and brighten your skin to fight premature aging.

  4. Add Lasers to Your Skin Care Routine

    Lasers are a game changer for premature aging skin and will level up your anti-aging skin care routine. IPL Laser Facial Rejuvenation is a treatment that uses a handheld device to deliver flashing wavelengths to the skin. Those wavelengths are broad-spectrum light that distribute heat to multiple layers of the skin and accelerate the healing and anti-aging process.

  5. Amp Up the Hydratation

    Keeping yourself hydrated is essential for the body to function properly and it’s also a key component in anti-aging. Start (or continue) drinking the recommended eight glasses of water per day and if you want to take it to the next level, try a Vitamin IV like our Hangover treatment at Youth Haus. It works wonders when you’re in bad shape after a night of drinking but is also perfect for boosting hydration and your skin’s radiance any time.

  6. Consider Microdermabrasion

    Exfoliation is one of the most effective ways to prevent aging – microdermabrasion kicks it up a notch. Microdermabrasion can be the focus of a facial or an add-on treatment. It is the star of the Diamond Microdermabrasion Facial at Youth Haus, using a wand embellished with a diamond tip to gently exfoliate the top layer of skin and vacuum the pores for a brighter, clearer, more youthful complexion.

  7. Always Wear Sunscreen

    It doesn’t matter if it’s bright and sunny or cloudy and grey outside, you must wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30! UV rays speed up the skin’s aging process and are present no matter what the weather is. Look for broad-spectrum sunscreen for extra protection and to keep your skin glowing, not aging.

  8. Eat Clean

    Eating a diet of real whole foods has been shown to help prevent skin from prematurely aging, while eating a consistent diet of refined sugar, carbohydrates, and processed foods can accelerate aging. Oh, and limit your alcohol intake too. A buzz isn’t worth prematurely losing your skin’s natural glow.

  9. Exercise Regularly

    You’ll never regret exercising. It’s good for your physical health, mental health, and to combat premature aging skin. Exercise can improve the immune system and promotes circulation which helps the skin maintain a radiant complexion.

  10. Get Plenty of Sleep

    Getting enough sleep allows your skin cells to regenerate overnight. When you consistently don’t get the recommended minimum seven hours of sleep, your skin can lose elasticity (a red flag for premature aging skin) and you can develop dark circles under your eyes.

These  anti-aging tips will help you maintain your skin’s youthful appearance. If you’re in the West Hollywood or Los Angeles area and are curious about any of the treatments we mentioned, book an appointment at Youth Haus Med Spa today!

Karina Sulzer