Youth Haus

Microneedling with PRF in West Hollywood


The aging process is natural and even beautiful, but it can have an unfortunate effect on your skin - you may notice more dark spots and wrinkles as your skin loses its natural vibrancy. While basics like good creams and eating right can help, there is another solution that can improve your skin’s tone and texture like never before: Microneedling with PRF. With the mix of a microneedling pen, our expert nurses, and your own blood... your skin will be radiant and rejevunated after receiving this treatment at Youth Haus.

What is Microneedling with PRF?

This process is quite similar to Microneedling with PRP, in that our nurses use a device containing hundreds of ultra-fine needles to create micro-punctures in the skin. This tricks your body into speeding up the healing process, and leaving you with glowing, even, and youthful skin. The main difference with this procedure, however, is that PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) from your own blood is injected into the controlled injuries to nourish the cells and deliver even better results. It’s still a vampire facial, just with different substances extracted from your blood.

Microneedling with PRF Benefits

  • Even skin tone and texture

  • Reduction in broken capillaries and/or spider veins

  • Improves the appearance of acne scars

  • Smaller pores

  • Glowing complexion

  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles

  • Skin that feels rejuvenated and firm


What is the difference between Microneedling with PRP and PRF?

While both substances are found within the blood and deliver incredibly rejuvenated skin, there are a few PRF benefits that you may want to consider. For instance, this substance is spun in our machines at a lower speed to protect your blood and keep all the protective aspects in - like white blood and stem cells for faster healing. Our nurses would be happy to tell you about it!

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Microneedling with PRF Menu


Microneedling with PRF FAQ

How long does this treatment last?

Typically around 30 minutes.

What are the side effects?

While this treatment is 100% safe and side effects are minimal, you may experience a bit of skin redness, swelling, itchiness, or tenderness for the first 24 hours after treatment. However, they are minimal and should disappear quickly.


Does Microneedling hurt?

Not really! While you may feel a few minor pricks and a slight bit of discomfort during certain parts of your treatment, they are brief... and you’ll be feeling better than after within a few hours or days.

When will I see results, and how long will results last?

Many guests see a significant improvement in their skin after one session, such as less fine lines or aglowing complexion. However, your results may also improve over time. It is generally recommended that microneedling be completed in a series of 3-5 treatments every 4-6 weeks, to keep up results and help your skin look its best.

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