Youth Haus

Microneedling with PRP for Hair Restoration in West Hollywood


Hair loss is a condition that affects people of all ages, genders, and lifestyles. And while you may have tried a few over-the-counter shampoos that claim to stimulate growth, no treatment quite compares to a Microneedling PRP at Youth Haus. This procedure aids the synthesis of new blood vessels on the scalp to prevent hair loss and keep your strands looking full and healthy. Here’s everything you need to know about this simple and virtually painless treatment at Youth Haus:

What is Microneedling with PRP for Hair Restoration?

Just like with microneedling procedures for your face, the hair restoration process consists of our nurses using a handheld device, or pen, containing hundreds of tiny needles. These are glided across the hairline and areas affected by hair loss to create micro-punctures, or controlled injuries, to the top layer of the skin. This act by itself triggers the body’s natural healing process, and it becomes even more effective when you inject PRP (platelet rich plasma). After the micro-punctures are made, PRP from your own blood is injected into the treated tissue to “bathe” the cells and speed up the growth process. This increases blood flow tothe scalp and helps your hair grow in more quickly and effectively. The PRP is obtained from drawing a small amount of your own blood, from which the plasma is then separated to concentrate healing properties.

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Microneedling with PRP for Hair Restoration FAQ

Why do I need this treatment?

Microneedling with PRP, targeting hair restoration, is a virtually painless procedure that can treat hair loss better than any serums you’ve ever tried. It doesn’t just accelerate hair growth and help your strands grow thicker and more voluminous than ever before - it encourages healthy cell production for a more youthful appearance overall.

How long does this treatment last?

Typically around 30 minutes.


What does Microneedling feel like?

While the idea of hundreds of needles, and your own blood being injected into your skin, may sound frightening....we promise you that it’s really not so bad. In fact, our microneedling with PRP treatments are administered by trained professionals to ensure that you feel as little pain as possible. While the needles and particular treatment will depend on your level of hair loss, the most you’ll feel is a few pricks and slight discomfort that won’t last long at all.

When will I see results, and how long will results last?

While results vary by individual, you should typically notice an improvement in growth and appearance of hair within the first couple months. You may need to make a follow-up appointment at Youth Haus to maintain results.

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