Vitamin C IV Drip for recovery

Immunity $179

Vitamin C IV Drip for recovery

Don't let a cold get you down.

Immunity IV contains all the key vitamins to speed up recovery and help you bounce back in no time. Vitamin C is the ultimate illness-fighting nutrient that helps the body absorb iron, vital to red blood cell production and recovery, while Zinc Chloride and a blend of B Vitamins boost the immune system and accelerate recovery of wounds and cold symptoms. Immunity IV is the ideal solution when you’re feeling a cold coming on before a big weekend trip or work presentation.


  • Vitamin C
    Helps the body absorb iron, accelerating red blood cell production and recovery.

  • B1, B2, B3, B5, B6
    Boosts energy and immune system function.

  • Zinc Chloride
    Reduces cold symptoms while accelerating the healing process.