Botox for Migraines: Benefits, Cost, Side Effects and More

There’s no bigger headache in life than a migraine – no pun intended. For those who suffer from these painful and debilitating headaches, a popular treatment that can provide significant relief is injecting Botox for a migraine. Botox for migraines might sound like an odd treatment because it’s most notable as a cosmetic treatment that helps reduce the look of aging, but using Botox for migraines is FDA-approved! If you experience 15 or more headache days a month with those headaches lasting 4 or more hours, treating a migraine with Botox could be right for you. Read on to learn how Botox helps migraines, where you inject Botox for migraines, how long Botox injections last for migraines, the success rate of Botox for migraines, and more!


How Does Botox for Migraines Work?

Is Botox good for migraines? Botox is an excellent preventative migraine treatment. It blocks the neurotransmitters that carry pain signals to the brain and prevents the pain networks in the brain from activating. This means that Botox stops migraines before they start. For treatment, Botox is precisely injected into seven muscle groups in the head and neck around the pain fibers associated with headaches to target the right neurotransmitters. The success rate of using Botox injections for migraines yields impressive results. They last approximately 2.5 months and patients can experience up to a 50% reduction in migraines.


What is the Cost of Botox for Migraines?

The FDA recommends a dose of 155 units of Botox every twelve weeks to treat migraines. While the cost of Botox injections for migraines can vary by patient, you can generally expect to spend $300-600 for treatment – but there’s a strong possibility your treatment could be free! Because Botox for migraines is a treatment approved by the FDA, it is covered by many insurance plans. Ask your insurance provider to see if Botox for migraines is covered under your plan and if there are pre-requisites or approvals needed from your physician for your treatment to be fully covered.


Are There Any Side Effects to Botox for Migraines?

For adults who experience chronic headaches, treating migraines with Botox can feel like a miracle, but it can have potential side effects. The possible side effects may be temporary and range from mild to serious. On the mild end of the spectrum, you might experience drooping eyelids, redness, soreness, muscle stiffness, neck pain, bruising, chills, or swelling at the injection site. Serious side effects of using Botox to treat migraines are rare but can be an allergic reaction or the spreading of the toxin which could cause breathing difficulties or trouble swallowing. Prior to treatment, consult with your doctor or provider to make sure Botox for migraines is right for you.


If you’re in the Los Angeles area and are interested in treating your migraines with Botox, book your appointment at Youth Haus today!


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Karina Sulzer